Sky Dream Hobby
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Muut tarvikkeet
Sebart Mytho S 125E White/Blue
Extra XS 50E Silver/Bue ARF
KAVAN 304TS TwinShark 2700mm
KAVAN Bristell B23 1600mm ARF Yellow
Laser 200 193cm 35-40cc ARF 3D
Viper Jet Turbine 120-160Nm 223cm with electric retracts
PC-21 Pilatus 55-65cc Gas/EP with electric retracs
Edge 540 V3 2000mm 35cc ARF
Sbach 342 27% 33-38cc ARF
Extra 300 76cc ARF
Turbo Charter ARF
Fairchild 2357mm 30-35cc Gas/1.60 EP
Albatros Turbine 1890mm with Electric landing gear
Oracle Turbo Raven 63" ARF 15-20cc Aerobatics/3D
Giant Thunder Stick Sport 2420mm ARF 55-60cc
Ryan 120 V2 EP/Gas 235cm ARF
P-47 Thunderbolt Tarheel Hal 1779mm 30-40cc Gas
EF 53" Peregrine Red/White
Beta 1400 ARF Blue
Miss UltimateS 2,2m V2
Art Scholl´s Super Chipmunk 2058mm 35-40cc Gas
49" Bighorn PRO ARF (flaps) Green
49" Bighorn PRO ARF (flaps)
Ghostwriter Super Chipmunk 81" ARF 35-40cc