BH JU-87 Stuka 1920mm EP/GP ARTF V2
- Balsa-vaneri rakenne
- Päällystetty tulostetulla kalvolla
- Parannetut jousitetut laskutelineet
Uudistettu versio suositusta Black Horsen Stukasta, nyt isommalla kabiinin luukulla.
Esikuvana vuonna 1943 käytössä ollut Ju-87B-2 versio.
Tekniset tiedot:
Kärkiväli: 1920mm
Pituus: 1560mm
Paino: noin 5100g
Siiven pinta-ala: 62.4 dm2
Siipikuormitus: 81.7 g/dm2
Spinneri 95mm
BH JU-87 Stuka ARTF V2
Black Horse JU87 STUKA - Glow or EP
This updated version of the black horse stuka features an improved gear design and large top hatch making it easier to assemble.
The Black Horse Stuka is a near to scale replica of the Ju-87B-2 variant, representing an aircraft operated in Austria in 1943. Some compromises have been made to model construction/flying but the general outline is fairly close to scale, as is the colour scheme.
Designed primarily for a 1.20 size four stroke engine, the Stuka can also be converted to EP power if required and a hatch on the underside allows acces to change the battery.
Those characteristic ailerons and flaps work just like the real thing and are surprisingly effective. The highly tapered wing requires care when landing but once down, the sprung undercarriage absorbs the bumps on the average flying field very well.
Each wing, complete with undercarriage leg, can be removed for transport. Although the bomb is fixed, a little inginuity will allow a dropping mechanism to be conjured up, by those that feel it is essentail.
The canopy has been left un-glued, so that scale fanatics can dress up the cockpit and pilots to their hearts content!