Geronimo II on sähkömoottoriliidokki jonka kärkiväli on 100" eli 2540mm.
Suunniteltu Tshekkien RCEV luokkaan joka vastaa FAI F5J luokkaa, vain kärkiväli rajoitettu 100".
Siipi ja peräsimet valmistettu hienosta styroksista, päällystetty kahdella kerroksella lasikuitua. Siipi jäykistetty hiilikuidulla.
Runko valmistettu hiilikuitu/Kevlar nokkaosa sekä hiilikuitu/lasikuitu pyrstöpuomi.
Suositellulla moottoripaketilla lennokki nousee 200m korkeuteen 30sekunnissa.
Moottoripaketti esim: Dualsky XM2826EA-10, 2S LiPo sekä 9,5x5 - 10x6 potkuri
Kärkiväli: 2540mm
Pinta-ala: 43dm2
Pituus: 1410mm
Tyhjäpaino: noin 490g
Lentopaino: noin 790g
Siipikuormitus: 18 g/dm2
Siipi profiili: MID
Spinneri: 32mm
Painopiste: noin 90mm etureunasta
Ohjaus: Sivu, korkeus, siivekkeet, laipat ja moottori
Rakennusohje ENG
Geronimo II
Geronimo II is EP glider of 100" (2540mm) wingspan.
The equipment (power unit) is suggested to be used for the Czech national class RCEV. Actually, it is the FAI class F5J, just the wingspan is limited to 100".Geronimo II is new version of the original Geronimo.
There are number of new features.The wing airfoil was changed. Instead of the AD series airfoils the new MID line are used.
The fuselage pod was changed. Its shape in front of the wing differs. Also, the fuselage under the wing saddle is higher. Now it can accept both tail servos. The pushrods are shorter. The common 1 meter pushrods can be used.
The space in the fuselage in front of the wing was increased and it can easily accept the parts of the power unit.
The tailboom is lighter, what decreased overall weight of the model.The wing and tail cores are produced of fine-grade styrofoam. It is covered with double layer of glasscloth 25 grams/m2.
The spar consists of carbon stips.
The fuselage is of classical design: carbon/Kevlar pod and carbon/glass boom.
The power unit setup is designed so that the model could climb 200 meters within 30 seconds. The power train consists of the Dualsky motor XM2208ECO V2 KV1800, 2S battery and prop Aeronaut 9,5x5 - 10x6.Wingspan: 2540mm
Wing area: 43 dm2
Lenght: 1410mm
Empty weight: ca 490g
RTF weight: ca 780g (depends on the equipment used)
Wing load: ca 18g/dm2
Wing airfoil: MID
Spinner diameter: 32mm
CG position: ca 90mm from LE in root
Controls: Rudder and elevator, ailerons, flaps, throttle