Multiplex FunJet Ultra 2 BK+
Alkuperäinen FunJet Ultra oli aikansa nopein Elapor malli markkinoilla. Nyt uusi FunJet Ultra 2 on entistäkin nopeampi. 4S LiPo akulla ja suositellulla komponenteilla huippunopeus 220km/h!
Elapor mallin,runko,siivet,peräsimet
Alumiinisen moottorikiinnikkeen, kaikki pientarvikkeet
Tarrat ja rakennusohjeen.
Multiplex FunJet ULTRA 2 Kit
Materiaali: Elapor
Vaikeustaso: 4 Expert
Kärkiväli: 783mm
Paino: 875g
Lentoaika: 5min
Rakennusaika: 60min
The FunJet ULTRA in his time was already the fastest ELAPOR model on the market. The speed of the new FUNJET ULTRA 2, with our recommended components (ROXXY 4S drive) is about 220 Km / h.
The "ULTRA-variant" is designed for extreme speed. He is an integral foamed than the "normal" version, resulting in even greater stability of the entire model, with a slightly increased weight. At speeds above 200 km / h mark requirements for pilot and materials are enormous. The "ULTRA" is therefore the right choice for "Speed fans" - the ultimate Geschindigkeits kick is guaranteed.
Despite design for maximum speed, Funjet ULTRA2 has excellent Langsamflug- and landing characteristics, as it always
leaves critical and precise control.
ELAPOR®- molded parts for fuselage, wing, tail, canopy.
Fuselage, wings, deep-drawn and painted canopy glass, anodized aluminum motor mount,
all parts required to assemble plastic, small items, linkage,
high-quality, multi-colored and stamped decal sheet, comprehensive instructions.